What do you and your family do for carnival?
Since we have kids and they started kindergarten and school, we prepare for the masquerade ball every year.
Do you all dress up, or just kids?
We don't dress up, it is overwhelming enough to come up with costumes for the girls.
I never bought a costume, we always made them ourselves. One year my oldest daughter dressed as Pöttyös Panni (she is a Hungarian children's books character from 1955), I made her a dress and a little Pöttyös Panni doll. The good thing is, costumes too are handed down from one daughter to another, so we just might have 3 Pannis.
Any special foods?
Yes, same as already mentioned by Beata - donuts. I learned how to make them from my grandmother.
Thanks Eszter!. Beautiful, as always!
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