Thursday, September 27, 2012

Clever clog or a nerd?

Ok, so I found electricboogalooo on Etsy, and this lady is funny! Nerdy sort of funny, which is usually the best sort of funny there is...

I LOVE her stuff.

  Please check her product descriptions, I love this one (Shock and horrify your friends whose babies only know lame stuff like animal names!) Haha! Right?

Also follow her nerdy blog here.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sponsor highlight + giveaway (closed): AmorAmor

Meet one of my first two sponsors: AmorAmor Designs, new label of children's wear, softies, home decor and stationery for Little Monsters with Big Imagination.   

Not so long ago I interviewed these 3 Colombian ladies living and creating in Melbourne, Australia and now they are winking at you from my left sidebar and today they have a gift for one of you.

One BoP reader will receive a packet of their newest product: Monster Party Invitations (10 cards + 10 envelopes)

AND a Packet of 10 Monster Lolly bags

To win these items please leave a comment with your favorite AmorAmor MONSTER. My favorite is Chikitin:)
Please validate this entry in the tool below, this will unlock possibilities for additional entries. Good luck!

                                                                       a Rafflecopter giveaway

FYI: AmorAmor is having a 25% off the entire store at the moment. 

Making bed(linen) with kids

It is 15 past midnight. We came back home yesterday evening after more than a month of being away. Life started going on immediately. I was confronted with a long list of what P will be needing at his kindergarten only one of which is bedlinen. So a little before midnight I went to make one he will be able to take with him in the morning. I made it really easy, you know this is what I like doing... no nerves for anything else. But, I will show you THAT some other rime. 
Now I though I'd re-post the bedlinen P and me made together (originally posted on Budapest Moms in March)
 I took a cheap Ikea sheet I had at home, some foam beads I bought who-knows-when, fabric paint and fabric painting markers and then I told P he was going to make his own bed linen. 

Make sure you put something under your sheet if you decide to do this, to avoid stains.  We did some practicing for a start (I cut this out for the finished product).

Our stamps were, as I mentioned, foam beads. But there are endless possibilities for stamping, from store-bought stamps, to carved fruits and veggies, wine corks or erasers. Just look around the house, I am sure you’ll come up with something creative. Kids like unusual solutions.

Halfway though the stamping process he got a little bored with it (it is a big sheet for a 3 year old), so I let him create his own pillowcase using fabric markers.

Pictured above is an Ikea Bomull pillowcase, 100% unbleached cotton, it is cheap and fun for projects. They don’t always have them, so I stock up when they do.

After our little intermezzo with the pillowcase, we went back to stamping the sheet.

I let the paint dry for 24 hours and heat set it after that, but this will differ depending on the type of fabric paint used, so read the instructions carefully. After this it was just left for me to sew it up. It’s just straight stitching, very easy even for beginner sewers, or someone who wants to learn to sew and needs a success project to keep them going.

He also pulls it out of his bed in the morning and brings it to the living room to snuggle with his little brother.

Now get stamping, it is FUN!

Update since March: P is not that gentle and snugly with his brother anymore...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Poul Pava - a grownup painting childrens paintings

Poul Pava is a Danish artist specializing in painting like a child. I don't know how else to put it, so forgive me.

Say goodbye to ugly oilcloth...I'd use this on regular days, not just for a party.

 Porcelains are now on sale on fab. I especially like the Mega Vase.

 Killer pillow, don't you think?
My home is full of kids drawings and paintings anyway, not because I have kids, but because I LOVE them. (Not my kids, the paintings:)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fishing gear turned jewelery

For many of you summer ended around when kids went back to school. My kids are not at school yet, so I have a privilege of living up my summer to the very end of it. Which is this week. Last week of summer. Hubby already left on Sunday, to go back to work, and before he did we snuck some stuff out of his fishing bag.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cardboard camera

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Ever since we did the tutu photo-shoot P has been asking for a big camera with a lens cap and a display. So we made one during one of the rainy afternoons we had recently.

Marbushka toy manufactory (interview with Beatrix Bohony)

There is a special factory in Budapest - a toy factory. And not just any toy factory...a 'place' where beautiful toys are made - Marbushka. You'll even find a board game for a 2 year old there. Memory games and puzzles are so beautifully illustrated you will not want your child to look at another game ever again.

Following is the interview with Beatrix Bohony about her Marbushka family

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

nemsüti - car window shades (giveaway closed)

We went for a little day-trip today. Left the house around 11 AM. It is nearly end of summer, but sun is still going strong. And we always travel in the worst sun, because we're simply incapable of leaving the house at normal hour. Luckily, we have been satisfied users of nemsüti window shades for a while now.

I am also a living advert of the product, because it is so simple, yet so functional and effective. I've tried everything there is in car window shade solutions. The only thing that worked for me was a tinted foil, which is great in the sun, but fails miserably in visibility area, and winters with dark windows are even darker.

With nemsüti visibility is almost unimpaired. It is easy to put it on and off, so you can use it during the day, but take it off in the evening or if weather conditions don't require shading anymore. It is made of micro fabric with 80% UV protection. Since you basically dress it on your car door like a T-shirt, it protects in two layers, inside and outside, and it stays there even if you open the window. It can also travel with your kids if they are staying with their grandparents. When you take them off they surely won't be in your way, since you can even fit them in your pocket if you wish.

This is definitely one of those products that I bought based on a TV commercials and have not regretted it. On the contrary, I have since supplied my whole family and close friends with a pair. It is available in 5 different sizes - size table is available here.

EUAX is giving away one pair to Bag of Pretty readers now, so enter quickly....Just leave a blog post comment telling me which car you would use the shades on and validate it in the Rafflecopter tool below. After that you can go through the rest of the possibilities for extra entries if you wish.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you can not wait for a giveaway to end, nemsüti shades can still be purchased at the discounted price of about 20USD on their web. They ship internationally. Web site is unfortunately only in Hungarian, but if you send an e-mail to info at euax dot hu they will get back to you.

Disclaimer: I am not getting paid for this post.

Friday, September 7, 2012

How I made a beanie out of a onesie

I made this beanie and this boy...

We are spending some time at the seaside again and we woke up to strong wind today. Since wind was not going to keep my 3.5 year old inside I was in serious need of a beanie.

 Baby sons soon-to-be-outgrown onesie (size 3-6 months) turned out to be great basis and it led me from this: - See more at:
Sewn by hand.
We are spending some time at the seaside again and we woke up to strong wind today. Since wind was not going to keep my 3.5 year old inside I was in serious need of a beanie.

 Baby sons soon-to-be-outgrown onesie (size 3-6 months) turned out to be great basis and it led me from this: - See more at:
We are spending some time at the seaside again and we woke up to strong wind today. Since wind was not going to keep my 3.5 year old inside I was in serious need of a beanie.

 Baby sons soon-to-be-outgrown onesie (size 3-6 months) turned out to be great basis and it led me from this: - See more at:

Linking to Skip to my Lou

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

AmorAmor (interview)

AmorAmor is a beautiful kids brand from Australia and I was lucky to talk to these 3 creative and happy ladies about their passions, inspiration and friendship that is the basis of it all. Please take a moment to read this beautiful interview, I am sure both the interview and AmorAmor designs will brighten your day and have you smile several times more than you planned today:)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DIY Flip Dolls by Villa Carton

Remember my Unleash the Artist post? I just realized something was missing from there...

Look at these cuties by Villa Carton

Color them and play! Also, check out the rest of their products as the majority of them are 'unleash the artist' material.

 facebook / twitter

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nubrella - hands free umbrella

It is raining cats and dogs here in Selce, Croatia. We are partly trapped inside and although i gave the finger to the rain this morning if it continues this way it will become annoying.
But, here is my chance for the rainy-day post I've been saving up my sleeve for a while now.

Nubrella (stands for "new umbrella") hands free, helmet-like ultimate weather protector, designed by Alan Kaufman.

Opinions are divided. Some think it looks ridiculous while others could only wish for is a couples version. It would be cool if they did it in kids size, I wouldn't have to worry P will pluck someones eye out with his umbrella. Also, it would probably be a party for them just to wear this...What do you think? Would you wear it?

Read more about it and buy here.