Saturday, October 29, 2011

Upcycled sweats again

I was extremely busy in the last couple of weeks, and I am really behind on my planned projects, one of which was particularly important to me.
When I made these for Fall KCWC my cousin who lives in Germany said she wanted the same for her son. I had it all figured out, and planned to make them for this weekend, when I am seeing her mum, my aunt. But yesterday evening came, and the pants were not even started. I didn't have time to make them.

But, today morning my husband woke up ill and we couldn't travel.

So I made the pants:) Except that they are not the same as ours.

OUR Pants!


What happened was that the basic sweats I upcycled already had pockets, so there was no point in putting a pocket on them the way I did on the previous upcycle.

Not pretty, are they?

I cut them like this:

 I measured the length needed to fit my nephew and decided to use my favorite pants pattern for the form of the lower part of the pants.

When you cut your from and back, it is important to mark which is which, because you will only have the lover part of the pants, and it will be hard to differentiate between the two, so I pinned back yellow, and front purple.

I then sewed together, zigzagged and pressed the outside seems, and decided to use the bottom part of the sweats I cut off to make a side pocket. I didn't pay attention to matching the plaid, because this was cut from my old pants, and this is the way they were sewn originally. Then I sewed the inside seems to make 2 tubes, 

stuck the tubes into the shorts, right side on the right side and sewed them on.

After ironing the seems I didn't really like how the two different fabric types look at the seem, and I zigzagged over it, see left leg:

If you look very carefully at this photo you will notice something is VERY WRONG!

This is supposed to be the pocket, but it is turned upside down. I had to rip the whole thing of, 2 rows of zigzag, 1 row of strait stitch. And I did, I fixed it. I added a little zigzag to one of the original pockets too, and that is it. I am done.

Will this be OK, Martina??

Linking to: I am only 1 woman

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Guest post / Luka Obradović of SoulFrames on Reciklašar

 This is the first ever guest post on Bag of Pretty, and I am super excited to present to you Luka of SoulFrames, a young and creative guy from Obrenovac, Serbia.

Not only he makes super-cute, PRETTY little things

he will also talk to us about Reciklašar, a recycling fair already mentioned here on this blog.

Read on!

Hi all, since this is my first post on BagofPretty, I should properly introduce myself. I'm Luka, 28 years old and I do bottle cap jewelry. :)

Every post should have a proper introduction on a subject, so here is mine:

I don't know if you have noticed, but our planet is dying!
This is normal, as all things (including planets) have their beginning and their end. However, what is  not normal is that we, people living on this planet, are doing nothing to keep this process  at a normal pace, but doing everything to speed it up. It is like deliberately destroying your own house, a place where you live, sleep and eat. So how do we slow it down?

Let's talk about Reciklašar!

Reciklašar is an exhibition where people show how they create jewelry and accessories mainly out of "garbage". 4th Reciklašar took place at Nikola Pašić square, in the center of Belgrade. I did not expect it, but a bunch of people showed up (does this mean there is hope for the mankind, I ask myself?). After a few rainy days Belgrade was sunny that day, the square was crowded by visitors and loads of creative people, selling their works. 


Movanas Design (sisters Jovana and Marija) selling earrings made of home made recycled paper with dried flowers.


Jelisaveta of CompArt selling jewelry of old keyboards and other computer components 

 Note our table!!!!

and Jazz Steampunk Jewelery, using old watches and other metal parts for their jewelry. We were all there trying to prove that with a little bit of imagination beautiful things can be created: clocks, bags, bracelets, earrings, etc...

As with all other "fairs" or exhibitions where I sell my jewelry, there's always a bunch of my friends + some new friends. This time was no exception. Hanging out with the people I love, selling stuff I have worked on hard and promoting recycling is a fantastic way to spend your day. As usually I was trying my best to promote my works. This includes a lot of talking and explaining to people that I don't buy new bottle caps, rather use used ones (because that is the whole point, right?), and keep repeating SoulFrames slogan: "Don't throw it, wear it!".

For the entertainment part Cirkusfera (CircuSphere) did their best. They create their on costumes, scenery and instruments by recycling. Their show about environment was sooo cool, with music played by band on instruments like Ski Bass (a bass guitar made of skis), old buckets drums, etc...

To conclude: Reciklašar and similar exhibitions offer a way of promoting recycling through arts & crafts. It's not just about selling stuff you made and earning some money, it's about making people wonder. Every time they wear a peace of our jewelry, they should ask themselves: "What am I doing to help my planet?".

Soul :)


Thank you Luka for being here!

And for the rest of you, check out Luka's facebook page, there are loads of goodies to browse through in his albums. They are, of course, for sale. Just ask away!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Interview and a giveaway - Kata Szentgyörgyi from Kicsi ház

Ladies First published their first in a series Monday interviews today the idea of which is to introduce independent, successful women, who didn't wait for the opportunity to find them, but they themselves decided to take the bull by the horns. And each of them claims the secret to success is: WORK HARD.


First one in the series, Kata Szentgyörgyi aka Joie Vivre, DIY blogger, writer of Kicsi ház (Little house) blog started blogging about a 1.5 year ago, when after her house renovation she was left with no money to furnish it. And that was her big BOOM, the thing that made her start thinking outside the box, and be creative. Additional boost were her 2 children, whom she was determined to see for more than 2 hours per day.

source: Kicsi ház
 She repurposes, recycles, shops in thrift stores

 and she doesn't throw any old thing away.

In this interview Veronika Babarczy talks to Kata about her motivation to change from her 9-5 secure job, to this creative and flexible, but also risky area. They discuss how and why she started blogging and how this brought on new opportunities (like working for Eva magazin) and long term goals. They talk about her plans of organizing work-shops, and about her own brand Boho home.

And the icing on the cake of this interview is this:

A real Boho home piece, you can win by leaving a comment at the end of the interview. (the interview is in Hungarian)

Kata was recently featured on Ohedooh, with her Girl power play kitchen .

 Isn't it amazing? I think it is!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Printable and kids art in one

Me and my 2,5 years old son were waiting for a bus today, and out of the blue he looks at me and says: You are so beautiful! I know moms are the most beautiful creatures, but this was the first for me, so you get how this is so special.

A few days ago he came home from the nursery with a drawing and said: Mommy, this is you!
 And because this is a portrait of a beautiful me, and also a first one of that sort, I decided to display it.

So I scanned it first, to get what you see above.

After that I used picnik to make this:

It says 'Mommy this is you' in the upper right corner.
 And this is how I got myself my own little printable art. I was going to put it in my bedroom, but it turned out it was just what we were missing for our kitchen gallery wall, plus this way everyone will see it.

YES you too!

Now I think I am beautiful too. Don't you?

What do you do with your kids art? Send a comment, let's see some ideas! (Comments welcome in Croatian or Hungarian too, if that is easier for you.)


Friday, October 21, 2011

Finish This Book - contest

Aaaand, I have another contest for you.

announced a crafting contest where you can win the book by Keri Smith:

Simply enter any book-themed project you have made here. Contest closes on November 20.

Extract: Dear Reader, One dark and stormy night, author Keri Smith found some strange scattered pages abandoned in a park. She collected and assembled them, trying to solve the mystery of this unexpected discovery, and now, she's passing the task on to you, her readers. I collected and assembled them, trying to solve the mystery of this unexpected discovery, and am now passing the task on to you. Your mission is to become the new author of this work. You will continue the research and provide the content. In order to complete the task, you will have to undergo some secret intelligence training, which is included in this volume. Since no one knows what lies ahead, please proceed with caution, but know...this book does not exist without you. Yours truly, Keri Smith

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Have you seen my friend Biljana's post about Bobble? No? Well head on over to Bla_creatifs and wander around through some cool stuff she has on there.

Anyway, this one is mine: 

Isn't it a beauty? AND it is

all of which I care about dearly! I will go to bed happy, because now I can BLOW MY BOBBLE any time I want!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Sketchbook Project

Do you love to draw? Sketch on paper napkins and restaurant bills, while talking on the phone or during a meeting at work on your printed out presentation? The following might be for you.

"Thousands of sketchbooks will be exhibited at galleries and museums as they make their way on tour across the world.
After the tour, all sketchbooks will enter into the permanent collection of The Brooklyn Art Library, where they will be barcoded and available for the public to view."


application till October 31, 2011

postmarking your book by January 31, 2012

start of the tour: April, 2012

This years book is made of 100% recycled paper, and looks like this:

The participation fee is 25 USD. After the application you will be sent a package containing a book here on the left, supplied with unique barcode, and you will also get a theme. Themes can fill up, so hurry up if you have preferences!

  For detailed rules click here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Yellow stinking story

Inspired by Poppytalk's Autumn colour Week Yellow, I decided to tell you my stinking yellow story.

I recently decided I need to have cut flowers on my dinig table, because it looks good, and makes me happy. So, I spend money on flowers every now and then, put them on the table, and most of the days don't even notice they are there, let alone change their water. Now, not changing water can cause a flower to die before it normally would...but it can also create this unbelievably rotten stench, as I learned a few days ago. So what to do? I mean, besides flushing the gross water down the toilet...

See? These flowers do look a little sad, but the are very much ALIVE, what went rotten are the stems only, right? They stink and the are ugly!
So I cut them short...really short, put them in a stylish pot, and now I can forget about them for a few days longer.

Until they start stinking again...


Reciklašar - update

Remember Reciklašar, from this post ?

The exhibition has been moved to October 19 in Belgrade, and this time you can also buy the exhibited items.

You can check out the participants here.

Some of my personal favorites are:

Groovy Geeks
Soul Frames with Luka Obradović

As part of the exhibition there will be a possibility for people to discard their recycling waste to containers which will be set up inside the exhibition area.


Monday, October 17, 2011


This is an extraordinary announcement, because timing is really tight!!!

   is looking for the best READY-MADE-Design products for the entrance area. Hooks, wardrobes, coat-hanger, umbrella stands or storage – anything goes!

TASK: your READY-MADE furniture should be made out of prefabricated parts that can of course be modified and it should be possible for others to replicate your READY-MADE without special knowledge or tools.

They even give examples of good READY-MADES, check them out, and get creative. It is open to anyone who feels they are up to it!And entries need to be uploaded by October 30. Yes!!! As I said, the deadline is really tight. The deadline has been extended to November 15. Woohooo!!

 For details about prizes and jury click here.

Be sure to read all the details about the application because you will need to make a tutorial to enter.

See already finished entries here.

When you've uploaded your creation, let us know. As you probably noticed, there is a public vote too, so share with us and with your friends!



Givaway roundup

There are some wonderful giveaways open at the moment, have a look!

open to my Hungarian readership:

Estrella puhatalpu cipő is giving away 1 of these cuties to one of the people expressing their opinion on this new model on their facebook page. I personally think they are wild. Click on the photo if you are interested. The winner will be picked on October 20.

Pillangofoto is giving away 1 hour baby or child photo session. All you need to do is like their facebook page and share the announcement on your wall. The winner will be picked on October 20.

open to my Croatian readership: & Naklada Nika  are giving away 3 of these wonderfully educational books with important eco-messages, by author Ivana Francišković, illustrated by Gordana Ivković.

Click on the photo for further details (in Croatian).

You can read in interesting interview with the author here.

open to ALL:  

Jessica over at Happy Together is having and October Giveaway Day, and 3 out of 4 giveaways are open even to us not living in the US:

Ashlyn's Accessories Set of Girl Burp Cloths Giveaway!!!

Clipits Sta. Lucia Necklace and Hair Clip Set Giveaway!!!

and her very own

 Happy Together Sewing Patterns Giveaway!!!

all 3 open till October 31.

Good luck to you all!!!


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Easyfundraising for ZA

I received an e-mail yesterday form my very good friend Jacqueline H. She is a media representative of a UK based charity: The ZA foundation. 
She and her husband James, with a bunch of other people from film and media industries managed to shoot footage both in South Africa and the UK, allowing ZA as a charity to produce informative, and cost free mini documentaries showing the essence of they are trying to achieve.

And here is the rest of J's message:

I understand that some of you may already support your chosen charities but I am hoping that those of you who believe in the influences of the performing arts, the importance of Education, and the power of inspiration; and of course know me, and possibly like me, will treat this as a personal favor to raise both funds and awareness for our cause,
One simple click of a button that will cost you NOTHING!

With Christmas coming fast around the corner we hope you can help us to make that difference as you purchase your Internet goodies.

Simply click and visit to register, then as you shop at such well known Internet biggies such as Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay and literally thousands more the retailer makes a donation to Za Foundation It really does work, over £2,000,000 to date has been raised by easy fund raising for various charities across the globe.
A free gift from you, allows access to a life-changing gift for another.
                                   I told you it was simple!!
Treat it like a festive game of ‘Telephone’ and pass it on to, friends, family, schools, and colleges, Quiz Nights, knitting clubs...

The details of Za’s crucial work are on our website

Jacqs x                                                                                                                      

Check out the documentaries, they just might inspire you to help, at least by sharing this message.


Friday, October 14, 2011

KCWC Day 4 - Boys double-layer knit hat

A bunch of cut-up T-shirts:

two broken needles and a couple of hours later, this was produced

 There have been some unsuspected complication, and a point when I wanted to throw it all away. But I didn't. And I am glad.

P. is now a proud owner of a soft, comfy, double-layer knit hat, which is perfect for this autumn weather. AND it has a dinosaur on it. What more can you want?:)

Don't throw away your stained T-shirts, there is a hidden potential in them as you can see. Better give them to me.


P.S. I love comments, so please leave some. They don't have to be in English. If Hungarian of Croatian work better for you, please!

Katie's Nesting Spot